virginia gail smith


Earth Caretaker explains "Alien Plants are those that are not native to a particular area. There is debate over what a "native" plant is. In North America, it is usually taken to mean a plant that was growing here before the invasion of Europeans.

Alien plants may be invasive or non-invasive. The whole issue of alien plants is important because of those that are invasive. An invasive plant is one that "takes over" an area or ecosystem. 

Noxious Weed Control Act Ontario

List of 25 plants you probably should not grow or encourage unless in a restricted area.

Noxious weed list

This list is commonly referred to as the "noxious weed list."

In Ontario, the following 25 weeds are designated as noxious under the Weed Control Act:

Common NameScientific NameBarberry, commonBerberis vulgaris L.Bedstraw, smoothGalium mollugo L.Buckthorn, EuropeanRhamnus cathartica L.Chervil, wildAnthriscus sylvestris (L.) HoffmannColtsfootTussilago farfara L.Crupina, commonCrupina vulgaris Cass.Cupgrass, woollyEriochloa villosa (Thunb.) KunthDodder spp.Cuscuta spp.Dog-strangling vineVincetoxicum rossicum (Kleopow) Barbar.Dog-strangling vine, blackVincetoxicum nigrum (L.) MoenchGoatgrass, jointedAegilops cylindrica HostHogweed, giantHeracleum mantegazzianum Sommier & LevierKnapweed spp.Centaurea spp.KudzuPueraria montana (Lour.) Merr.Parsnip, wildPastinaca sativa L.Poison-hemlockConium maculatum L.Poison-ivyToxicodendron radicans (L.) KuntzeRagweed spp.Ambrosia spp.Ragwort, tansySenecio jacobaea L.Sow-thistle spp.Sonchus spp.Spurge, cypressEuphorbia cyparissias L.Spurge, leafyEuphorbia esula L.Thistle, bullCirsium vulgare (Savi) TenoreThistle, CanadaCirsium arvense (L.) ScopoliTussock, serratedNassella trichotoma Hackel ex Arech.

Narrow Leaf Bird Foot Trefoil


Fabaceae (pea) faimly

Origin: Eurasia

Bladder Campion


Red Shank



Hoary Alyssum


Mustard family

Yellow Salsify 

Scientific Name: Tragopogon dubius

Native to southern and central Europe and western Asia.

Edible:  a relative of the parsnip in the dandelion family, it is a delicious,  winter vegetable. It is more nutritious than most starchy vegetables like potatoes; all parts can be eaten, including the roots, stems, flower buds and seeds.


Scientific Name: Cichorium intybus


Native to Europe and Africa.

Edible: Chicory grows along the roadside or in fields. The root is used as a coffee substitute. 

Field Sow Thistle

Scientific Names: Sonchus arvensis

Non-Native, registered noxious weed  in Ontario

Native to Eurasia

Edible: The leaves, flowers and roots are edible. These are best consumed when the plant is young because the older it gets the more bitter it becomes. Once it becomes bitter you can cook with it or mix it with pleasant-tasting greens. Leaf spines need to be removed. The leaves are rich in mineral salts and vitamin C. Harvesting the root while young is preferred and can be roasted and ground to use like coffee.

Wild Morning Glory

Scientific Name: Calystegia sepium 

Height: Grows on a trellis or fence, also called Field Bindweed (C. arvensis, European) as it can grow up corn and bind growth.

Some say it is native others say non-native. The Canadian Encyclopedia says it is native to Tropical America.

Lesser Stitchwort

Scientific Name: Stellaria graminea


Native to Eurasia.

Grows low as a ground cover flowering all summer. A perennial herb spread by rhizomes.

Sulphur Cinquefoil

Scientific Name: Potentilla recta


Habitat: for small bees & flies

Native to Eurasia.

Viper Bugloss

Scientific Name: 


Yellow Rocket

Scientific Name: Barbarea vulgaris


Mustard family

Edible leaves and flowers, are bitter as they grow older.

Soup Recipe

Earth Caretaker Alien Plant Directory

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